It is not about perfection, but is about bringing the best version of yourself to those you lead.

Leadership is challenging and not for the faint of heart.

Do you have the right mindset and tools to effectively inspire and lead those who are depending on you?

Chris’s work with clients is guided by the following:

• A hunger for ongoing learning and development of himself and others.

• A passion for bringing his best energy to his clients, friends, and family.

• A belief that great leadership takes risk, hard work, confidence, and humility.

Chris works with executives, leaders, and managers to help define and develop their own unique approach to leadership and unlock their full potential to manage and inspire productive teams and organizations.

Through one-on-one Executive Coaching, Team Dynamics Consulting, Facilitation and Training, and Speaking Engagements Chris shares his experiences and insights to guide and inspire his clients to get the results they desire in both their personal and professional lives.

  • My mission is to inspire leaders to keep growing, to better manage themselves and those around them.

    Chris Obst

“Chris is a one of kind facilitator, coach and organizational dynamics guru. He delivers leadership lessons and learning moments like no other”.

Katy Player | Senior Vice President, People | Canfor

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